Thursday, April 7, 2011

A New Vision

I was recently teaching in New Zealand, and while there, I had the opportunity to speak at an all school assembly at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic.  I created a Power Point presentation and intended to do a talk on merging the philosophy of chiropractic with quantum science, a topic that I am fascinated by and love.  As I began the presentation, I felt the students brace themselves to receive more information in their already overloaded minds.  I paused for a moment and thought; “Do they really need more information or would it serve more to open them to a vision of what is possible and thus give a deeper sense of purpose for learning all that is filling their minds?”.  Hands down the vision and purpose seemed more important.  I put down my remote and asked; “Do you want to play in the field of possibility?”  “YES!!!”  Was the overwhelming reply and we began to build Chirotopia.  I told them about the blog I was writing and asked them what their chiropractic utopia would look like.  It was amazing.  At first the input came with a little hesitation, but then as we added more and more to the list, excitement and momentum built and we were on a role.  A beautiful vision began to take form.  The feel in the room shifted from one of the typical student overwhelm, to that of excitement and joy of embarking on a great adventure, the adventure of building a better world through chiropractic.  At once there was a sense of purpose behind all that they were going through to become a chiropractor.  And even more, there was a vision of how chiropractic could play a major role in creating a world community of beauty, peace, integrity, respect, health, joy, freedom, and love. 

As the session came to a close, I posed the question; “OK, now how do we get there?”.  For many it was an internal quest, to live their lives with this vision.  Then there was the realization that in starting the dialogue there is power.  And in sharing the vision there is even greater power.  To that purpose, I have included the list generated below.  It is by no means complete, nor may it match your thoughts on what a chiropractic utopia would look like. It is a work in progress.  Please feel free to add to the list.  Give feedback.  Share your thoughts. 

You may notice that the ideas generated were, for the most part, about what it would look like once Chirotopia was created.  As I read the list, I find myself envisioning what it would be like to live in such a place and wonder and if it will happen in my lifetime.  Whether I will live to see it or not doesn’t matter.  Starting the journey is what’s important.  In the next installment to this blog we begin building Chirotopia.  It will be a major undertaking but I am confident we’ll get there.

Enjoy reading the vision of Chirotopia as seen through the eyes of the next generation of chiropractors.  Thanks to those who contributed to the vision!

Chirotopia - A world of no limits
You create your own reality.  So you may as well create a good one.

       Every parent is inspired to have their newborn receive chiropractic care.
       There is only opportunity.
       Respect for all living things including the environment and self.
       People seek chiropractic care for full expression of their optimum potential.
       Morality not legislated but a natural expression of each indivivual.
       No one knows what Panadol is.
       People choose not to take drugs simply because it is not within them.
       Science and spirituality are known to be an integral part of each other.
       There is infinite space for new discoveries.
       Total engagement in education so that testing, is no longer necessary.
       Space where people, who are dying, can transition in peace and with dignity.
       Currency of service instead of money, (resource based economy).
       Human dignity is respected.
       In each adjustment, the receiver and the deliverer truly experience the beauty of integration/evolution.
       Everything comes from a place of unconditional love.
       Chiropractors truly become the light bearers.
       Chiropractic Sanctuaries created as a place to express higher vibrations and serve people not from a place of just healing but of expressing their full potential.
       People living there full expression rather thinking they need to go somewhere to get it.
       Healing is not necessary because there’s no healing to occur, that is no sickness and dis-ease.
       People come to chiropractic from an empowered place instead of one of need.
       Risk is encouraged.  Dare to dream and take the risk to make it so.  Challenges are seen as 
opportunities to grow. 
       The song of the soul is loudest, that is, all songs are felt, expressed, heard, and honored.
       All food is soma.
       Each individual is 100% connected to their infinite potential and so no adjustment is needed.

Whose torch are we choosing to carry.   Why carry the torch of the health care system, why not carry the torch of Chiropractic.


Jeffrey Hoffman, D.C. said...

Loved it. I have been feeling lately that medicine's message is winning. I share the vision of empowered people. One vision I have been holding and telling people is creating a world where our value is not how much we have in money and possessions we have but what we contribute to it. Our exchange would be based on that. We are only as strong as the weakest among us.


This is happening!