As I see it, there are two ways to approach the building of Chirotopia. One is to create the ideal from a clean slate, the other to talk about strategies that can be employed now to get us where we want to be. Both have value and are important, so, we’re going to work back and forth to build them simultaneously. Again, if you have suggestions send them in and we’ll build this together.
Naturalist Louis Leakey said “Without an understanding of who we are, we cannot truly advance”. This, I feel, is one of the major challenges that we face as a profession. Can we find a unified theory of chiropractic? Can we find an idea that is so all encompassing, so whole and complete, that it can bring together the many thoughts, opinions, models, and definitions of what chiropractic is and what it is not? I have sought this type of congruence for most of my chiropractic life and I know that it is possible to find such a theory. In fact, it exists now. We just have to be willing to look at chiropractic with new eyes. Not disregarding that which has existed, but evolving our understanding to include and incorporate advancements in our knowledge of the world we live in. If we can do this, I choose to believe that we as a profession can find common ground. I choose to believe that we as chiropractors are more interested in advancing our profession rather than being on the side that is “right”. I choose to believe that there can be an elegant integration of our philosophy and science and a mutual respect for all the many and varied techniques and models of chiropractic. Perhaps I am naïve, but this is what I choose to believe. And after all, we do create our own reality.
Last weekend I was in Georgia teaching a Bio-Geometric Integration I seminar. That same weekend Life University was holding another of their Octagon Programs. The subject of this one was the "subluxation". As you can imagine, there were many thoughts on the topic but, from what I understand, not much agreement. For some it doesn’t exist, for others it exists but only at the vertebral level, for others it’s all neurological, for others it’s energetic, etc., etc., etc.. This same weekend, I also was told about work being done to create standards for subluxation based practices. Interestingly, one of the challenges in creating these standards is coming to agreement about the subluxation. Does it involve interference to the expression of the innate intelligence of the body or just the biomechanical, structural integrity of the body? If it does involve the interference component, where does extremity adjusting fit in? Is it a vertebral subluxation or just a subluxation, suggesting that the interference could come from anywhere? If it can come from anywhere then how are we going to redefine subluxation to expand on the “condition of a vertebra …..”? And how do the “tonal” or more energy based approaches factor into the equation? Oh, if only they had been at the BGI seminar. We could have answered all of their questions.
In order to address the concerns and questions, that surround the subluxation, it is necessary to open our view to include more contemporary science, more specifically, quantum science. If we do that, we will have a more complete picture of the subluxation and thus a larger umbrella for everyone to fit under. So, here it is, a quantum view of the subluxation, a unifying theory of the subluxation. It is called the Potential Energy of Subluxation. We’re going to go fast so hang on and enjoy the ride.
Here are a few ideas from contemporary science that will be helpful in understanding this theory.
1. Everything that appears to be matter is actually energy. If you break matter apart, as you get to finer and finer levels, ultimately you will find only vibration/tone. What determines the quality of matter is the quality of that vibration/tone. So what differentiates you from the chair in the room is that you express a greater range of frequency/tone organized in a more complex way and so you express more complex qualities and characteristics.
2. Every experience you have, be it physical, chemical, emotional, or mental, is ultimately energy/vibration/tone. The food you eat is broken down via the digestive process into energy that you can utilize. Your thoughts and emotions are energy. The things you see, feel, and hear, all energy. Again, what determines the quality and information of that experience is the quality of that energy.
3. In addition to the nervous system, the body also utilizes the neurochemistry and the electromagnetic field to express its innate intelligence. It has been determined that the basis of your emotions, behaviors, and memories is the neurochemistry. The mind does not exist in the brain but in the field around you. All three are vital, interconnected components.
4. We live in a holographic universe. According to this theory, the infinite intelligence that exists in the universe also exists in every atom. By the same token, our bodies are holographic. Every cell of your body has all the information necessary to reproduce you all over again. Stored in the DNA of every cell is all the information necessary to be every type of tissue and produce every chemical. What differentiates one tissue from another then is not the information each cell possesses but that which it expresses. In a liver cell, the information for the qualities and characteristics of a liver has been activated and so it expressed those qualities and characteristics. Different information has been activated in heart cells, kidney cells, etc. This information is expressed via, you guessed, vibration/tone. Relating back to “number 1” then, what really differentiates you from the chair in the room is not the information you possess (every atom in the universe contains all the information that exists) but the information you express.
5. Learning happens through a chaotic process. Whenever living systems encounter an experience their field goes into chaos. After it goes into chaos there are essentially three possibilities. First, the system goes into chaos, recognizes the experience as one it has already encountered (a frequency it already expresses), and goes back to the resting state with no negligible change. Second, the system goes into chaos, recognizes the experience as a source of new learning (a frequency that it does not already express), integrates and processes the experience, and goes back to a resting state but at a higher level of complexity, i.e., learning/evolution has occurred. Third, the system goes into chaos, recognizes the experience as a source of new learning, fails to integrate and process the experience, and stays in a state of elevated chaos. This chaos leads to dis-ease.
6. Every part of the body is either directly or indirectly connected to every other part of the body. It is physically impossible for one part of the body to move or distort without affecting every other part of the body. Thus, it is erroneous to say something like, T5 is subluxated, or C1 is subluxated. You may choose to access the subluxation through T5 or C1, but the entire body is subluxated.
The Potential Energy Theory of Subluxation integrates these advancements in our understanding of the dynamic nature of living systems to create a comprehensive model of the subluxation. Here's how it goes. When you have an experience, your system perceives this as vibration/tone. This vibration/tone has two qualities. Its amplitude, how big it is, and its frequency, the information it carries. If you integrate the experience, that frequency activates a previously dormant piece of information, much like plucking the A string on a guitar which activates the resonance of an A string of another guitar, and the frequency becomes part of the musical matrix that is you (your field moves to a higher level of complexity). Since you are an expression of the music that you are, if you increase the complexity of your field, you increase the complexity of you presentation on the planet, and you’ve just taken a little step along the path of evolution. This is how learning occurs and I think that it is how evolution happens.
That’s if you integrate the experience. If you do not integrate the experience then instead of it activating a previously dormant piece of information, it ends up stored in the body. This creates chaos in the body, and is the subluxation. This chaos has many effects. First, it creates incoherence in the electromagnetic field. Second, it distorts the function of the neurochemistry, and finally, because your geometry (structure) is a perfect expression of the music that you are, it distorts the physical structures of your body. That is, bones misalign, tension is created in all the soft tissue of the body, and yes, tension and compression of the nerve system results.
I submit to you that the subluxation is not just a bone out of place or not just tension or compression on the nervous system. Rather, it is holographic and expresses in every cell of the body and the field around you and interferes with every pathway that we know of which the body uses to express its intelligence. This model incorporates advancements in science, current subluxation models, and both the “structural” and “tonal” approaches.
That is a very quick description of the Potential Energy of Subluxation. If you want an extended version go to and look for the paper, “Subluxation and Chaos Theory”. In future posts we’ll discuss further how this brings congruency to the different subluxation models, how this and an understanding of the geometry and tensegrity structure of the can bring understanding to the many techniques in chiropractic, and bring a unity and yet diversity to the chiropractic profession.
As always, I am awestruck by your brilliance. Thank you.
I am a 10th Qtr DC student at life university. I feel like so many of my colleagues just don't get it, they are confused and uncertain of what the adjustment is all about. These ideas really need to be introduced into the curriculum to new chiropractic students starting day one.
I really think it would be sweet if this was taught in Subluxation Theories or if it was published in McCoy's philosophy journal.
Spot on!
I have long held the beleif regarding the whole body is subluxated, and that the adjustment contacts we take are just an access point.
Wonderful foundational stuff!
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